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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters


It was so great to see you all last week! Thank you so much to those of you who came and participated! I feel so energized whenever I am around you all.

As we approach the end of Black History Month, I hope we all continue our commitment to learning and growing to not only transform our classrooms, but also our lives.

Below I have linked an awesome resource from the History Channel to study Black History through a well curated timeline! Please check it out, and other great resources the channel has compiled, and share it with your students and colleagues.



Ps. There are also some really great resources below for celebrating Black History Month in the classroom, so scroll all the way down!


1. (Mandatory) 2CM Equity Alliance Workshop RSVP, but open to all

Feb 24th, 2021

2. Profile

In an effort to get you guys more connected to each other, please complete your slide on this slideshow so everyone can know who each other is! You can reach out to each other and make new friends based on content, interests or if you are just curious about someone!

3. Add songs to our cohort playlist! Time to refresh! What songs are getting you through this semester!

4 Calendar

Check the calendar to see when I will be visiting your classroom as well as upcoming cohort events!


1. (Mandatory) Final 2CM Equity Alliance Theory of Change Presentation, but open to ALL

Wednesday, February 24th, 2020


Teaching Resources:


This week's shout out goes to Amelia Willingham and Caroline Albert of Valor Collegiate.

Amelia W. has built such a safe space with her students on the internet. They are able to try on hard things without judgement or pressure. She is constantly encouraging them to try and I always see and hear students take risks, even if they are not sure of the answer. Kudos Am!

Caroline has built such a culture of 'teacher as facilitator' and not gatekeeper. She has done this by not being afraid to have difficult conversations, admit when she doesn't know something, and be a learner alongside her students. She also constantly pushes them to think of marginalized experiences and expand their thinking. Kudos Caroline!




We are 27 change makers with a lot more in common than we think. Our vision is to create closeness and connectivity with one another, our students, and their families to solve problems and create action.
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