Stephen Santellan
Executive Director
As Executive Director of Teach For America Nashville-Chattanooga, Stephen develops and executes a strategic vision to maximize our efforts to provide Nashville-Chattanooga students equal access to educational and life opportunities.
For over 20 years, Stephen Santellan has dedicated his personal and professional life to the support of organizations that create opportunities for equitable educational and economic advancement; especially in those communities with the greatest need. His work ranges from local nonprofits (Goodwill Industries), to regional nonprofits (Michigan Works and Teach For America South Carolina), to national nonprofits (Boys & Girls Clubs of America, National Black MBA Association).
Stephen has worked to build partnerships with key stakeholders to secure funding (over $70 Million), champion legislation (educational and employment-based advocacy), and implement sustainable programming (education, youth development, and workforce development based) to actively dismantle the systemic biases that disproportionately limit access of disenfranchised groups to high quality education and employment. From grass-roots movements in the Mexican American neighborhood where he grew up, to the campuses of historically black colleges and universities, to international initiatives of multiple organizations, to the classrooms of South Carolina, Stephen’s leadership has been a driving force for positive change.